Social insurance necessary for the running of a company and in the everyday life of each person


A programme implemented together with the Social Insurance Institution


The subject matter of the lecture in the module:

  • Social insurance necessary for the running of a company and in the everyday life of each person



The popularisation of electronic business trading, the use of modern, electronic payment and settlement systems plus safety and promptness of cashless payments


A programme implemented together with Polish Bank Association and Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa


The subject matter of lectures in the module:

  • The modern business management using e-economy tools: – the e-invoice, e-signature and e-payments
  • The impact of KIR S.A.'s products and services on the development of electronic economy
  • Modern clearing services based on the example of KIR S.A. instant payments
  • KIR S.A. clearing services
  • The history and principle of operation, systems: ELIKSIR, EKSPRES ELIXIR, INVOOBILL and PayByNet
  • The cash flow management using e-economy tools (the risk aspect)



The employment of economic information by entrepreneurs in order to reduce risks


A programme implemented together with the Polish Bank Association, Biuro Informacji Kredytowej and Biuro Informacji Gospodarczej InfoMonitor


The subject matter of lectures in the module:

  • The Information Exchange System of the Polish Bank Association
  • The Centre of Analysis and Monitoring of Real Estate Market Transactions AMRON
  • The financial information exchange system in Poland and in the world – BIK's role
  • The Economic Information Exchange Market in Poland



Thematic modules

The modules that have been implemented currantly:

  1. Management of the financial risk in business and personal lifethe module has been implemented together with The Polish Bank Association (ZBP), The Credit Information Bureau (BIK) and The InfoMonitor Economic Information Bureau (BIG InfoMonitor)
  2. E-bussiness toolsthe module has been implemented by The National Clearing House (KIR) 
  3. Long-term saving and investing the module has been implemented together with The Polish Bank Association (ZBP), The Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), The Chamber of Commerce Retirement Associations (IGTE), The Foundation of Warsaw Stock Exchange (Fundacja GPW), The Polish Insurance Association (PIU), The Chamber of Fund and Asset Management (IZFiA)
  4. New dimension of co-operative bankingthe module has been implemented by The Co-operative Banking Group (SGB)