Student Banking in Russia

In the last few months, a few Russian banks have launched their new products dedicated to university students. For example, in August 2016, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sberbank, The Government of Moscow and Master Card presented a multifunctional campus card.

At first glance, it is just a debit card, which can be used to make cashless payments. But it has many additional non-financial functions such as: a student identity card, an access key to digital resources of university or entry-pass to university buildings. Moreover, via information stands that are situated in the campus, students can easily order books from the library, check timetables and request documents from the dean’s office. The campus card can also serve as a ticket in Moscow’s public transport system, a mandatory medical insurance policy, and a discount card in shops and service points which take part in the partnership programme.

Similar programs were launched by B&N Bank, Credit Ural Bank and Gazprom Bank. The latter, offers campus cards in the form of ISIC (International Student Identity Card), which gives its owners additional benefits, such as: free admissions to museums, theatres, cultural centres, discounts on flight tickets, hotels, restaurants etc. 

Summary by Beata Lewicka



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